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If you see one mouse scurrying around, you can be certain that a host of friends and family are nesting nearby. This guide will teach you how to get rid of house mice effectively and how to prevent mice from returning. Mice and other rodents spread a variety of viral and bacterial diseases. If you are dealing with a rodent issue or cleaning up a space with previous rodent activity, wear gloves and an approved mask or respirator to protect yourself.
STEP 16: Prevent future infestations.
If you sprinkle cayenne pepper around the perimeter of your home, you will quickly get rid of any mice that have taken up residence. For an even more effective deterrent, use the following homemade spray. If you find that you have a rat or mice problem, you can use pepper to repel them from your home. Mice and rats will leave your home if you expose them to a scent that drives them away. Place the trap in your kitchen, or other areas where mice are a problem. The mice will try to get to the bacon fat and fall into the bucket, drowning in the water.
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Easy entry into your home is just as good as an open invitation to mice to come and build a nest in your home. A mouse exterminator is worthless if there are still entryways into the home. They may look as cute critters, but in no case, you would like to invite them to be your guests.
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They’ll also want to keep up on maintaining grass and shrubbery, as an overgrown lawn can attract all kinds of critters—not just mice. Inside the home, they’ll want to repair any leaks or damp areas in basements and attics. They’ll also want to double-check packages or other containers that have been outside for stowaways before bringing them indoors. Mice can squeeze through a hole the size of a nickel, so homeowners will want to stay vigilant by carefully inspecting their home’s interior and exterior walls as well as the foundation for holes. Emory Matts, board certified entomologist and a technical service manager for Rentokil Terminix, advises homeowners to “seal up any gaps greater than a quarter inch (6 millimeters).
Seal off entry points
If you find that the scent is too light, the water diluted the oil too much, so you’ll want to add more peppermint oil into the spray bottle as needed. Once you’ve identified potential entries, close them up using mouse-proof material. Skip sealants and spray foams, which mice can easily chew through. Though they won’t gnaw on steel wool, it has a short life span as it dissolves into rust. Do a sweep of your home’s exterior, and look for openings a mouse could slip through—that means spaces as narrow as 1⁄4 inch.
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It may not be possible to see mice in the walls, but homeowners will still likely be able to tell that they are there. “You may hear mice squeaking, gnawing, or traveling through the walls. They may also leave behind droppings and gnawed materials,” explains Matts.
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Find their entry point.

You can place several bowls around your house where you think mice are gathering, like under the kitchen sink or in your kitchen cabinets. Once a mouse nest in the house has been found, it will need to be disposed of and the area cleaned. If possible, it’s also a good idea to block any previous access points by caulking or patching holes. Tomcat is a leader in mouse bait, and this bait is all-weather, so it can be used outside, too. The bait is made with food-grade ingredients, so it poses much less of a risk to humans or children than other forms of bait.
Once you’ve caught and released the mouse, you can clean the trap and use it again. If you have a minor infestation, this humane trap will help you effectively remove mice without killing them. You should be generous with the peppermint oil as you want the scent to be strong enough that the mice will be repelled by it.
Pest-Proof Your Home ASAP
Since these creatures spend most of their time roaming around so there are high chances you would often see them. They mostly walk during the daytime along the walls or other hiding places like sofas, cupboards, and beds, etc. If all else fails, a call to a professional exterminator will be the best way to get rid of mice quickly.
This method will normally catch a mouse in less than an hour, but then you need to find a way to discard the mouse, which can be tricky since it will still be alive. The plastic wrap will act as a window into the box and will prevent the mice from escaping. All of these items can be placed near the trap trigger to help you catch the mouse – or kill it, depending on the trap. Infestations that have gotten out of control need to be dealt with in a more aggressive approach. Oils are great, but they can’t be placed in walls or in areas that mice can get into but you can’t get into without breaking a hole in the wall.
"But, in general, seeing a mouse in daylight indicates a very high mouse population that is too big and hungry to wait until dark to feed," he notes. Glue traps are also available, but this is a very inhumane method of trapping mice and can lead to limb removal, too. Mice suffer dramatically when using glue traps because if they do get trapped, they will often starve to death or try so hard to get away that they pull off their own limbs in the process.
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